File extension WMF

File extension WMF

21 Enero, 2015

How to open WMF file format? (Windows Metafile)

Problems with opening WMF files occur very often among users. Desafortunadamente, not everyone is aware that the basic and usually the most common problem is the lack of an installed software to handle the WMF file. Its full name is Windows Metafile and the company responsible for its development is Microsoft. Your WMF file has probably an encoded information from the Vector Image Files category. Si desea ver su contenido, abierto, edit or convert the WMF file to another format, instalar una de las aplicaciones de la lista, que se presenta a continuación en esta página. Can’t you still open your WMF file? Por Favor, visita wmf file open donde encontrará más información.

Categoría Promotor / Productor Software
Vector de archivos de imagen Microsoft Windows Metafile

Los programas que utilizan esta extensión de archivo

– ACDSee
– Adobe Illustrator
– TurboCAD
– CorelDRAW
– PaintShop Pro
– Lienzo
– Converter Pro
– Inkscape
– XnView
– Ability Photopaint
– IrfanView
Janome Digitalizer Pro
– UniConvertor

Mac OS
– TurboCAD
– Adobe Illustrator
– QuickTime Player
– Inkscape

– Inkscape

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