File extension DEX

File extension DEX

21 Jaanuar, 2015

How to open DEX file format? (Dalvik Executable File)

Problems with opening DEX files occur very often among users. Kahjuks, not everyone is aware that the basic and usually the most common problem is the lack of an installed software to handle the DEX file. Its full name is Dalvik Executable File and the company responsible for its development is Google. Your DEX file has probably an encoded information from the Developer Files category. Kui te soovite vaadata selle sisu, avatud, edit or convert the DEX file to another format, paigaldada ühe taotluse nimekirjast, mis on esitatud allpool lehel. Can’t you still open your DEX file? Palun, külastus dex kust leiad rohkem infot.

Kategooria Arendaja / Tootja Tarkvara
Arendaja Files Google Dalvik Executable File

Programmid kasutavad seda faili laiend

– Android SDK
– Eclipse
– IntelliJ IDEA
– Dex2Jar

Mac OS
– Android SDK

– Android SDK

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