File extension TBZ

File extension TBZ

21 Januar, 2015

How to open TBZ file format? (Bzip Compressed Tar Archive)

Problems with opening TBZ files occur very often among users. Na žalost, not everyone is aware that the basic and usually the most common problem is the lack of an installed software to handle the TBZ file. Its full name is Bzip Compressed Tar Archive and the company responsible for its development is N/A. Your TBZ file has probably an encoded information from the Compressed Files category. Če si želite ogledati vsebino, open, edit or convert the TBZ file to another format, namestite eno od vlog iz seznama, ki je predstavljena v nadaljevanju na tej strani. Can’t you still open your TBZ file? Prosimo, Obisk tbz kjer boste našli več informacij.

Kategorija Razvijalec / Proizvajalec Programska oprema
Stisnjene datoteke N/A Bzip Compressed Tar Archive

Programi, ki uporabljajo to razširitev datoteke

– WinZip
– ALZip
– IZArc
– StuffIt Expander
– PeaZip
– ZipZag

Mac OS
– Apple Archive Utility
– iArchiver
The Unarchiver

– 7-Zip

Pustite Odgovori

Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. Obvezna polja so označena *

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